7 Tips to Prevent Dry Winter Skin
The days are getting colder and Jack Frost is making his first debut. To fight those winter chills, we crank up the heat and try our best to get cozy. But no matter how hard we try, the intense temperature drop, dry air and brisk winter wind still takes its toll on our body, and more specifically on our skin.
Winter is here...
Ever notice that your skin during the winter feels less radiant and more dehydrated than the months before? From the tip of your nose to the bottom of your toes, your skin is screaming for some extra attention.
Characteristics of dry skin
During the summer, it’s possible to use a lightweight moisturizer because our skin holds more moisture from the higher humidity levels in the air. Year round our skin works at keeping itself hydrated however, during the winter it becomes more challenging for it to manage on it’s own.
Some of the most common signs of struggling winter skin is:
1. Flakiness
2. Redness
3. Cracks in your skin
4. Itchiness
The good news is that you can rescue your winter skin by making a few adjustments in your skincare routine.
Do you want to prevent dry skin in winter? Here are 7 helpful tips to rescue your skin from the dry winter weather.
1. Moisturize your damp skin [Break]
The sad truth; showering and bathing can strip your skin of its natural oils. These oils are what help your skin lock in moisture, so it’s important to replenish hydration right after you wash yourself. The ideal moment to apply a moisturizer is when your skin is still damp and most receptive to absorb the product. Choose a moisturizer after a morning shower and for intense hydration choose a body oil at night.
2. Keep it simple
If your skin is feeling irritated, red and flaky, consider dialling down the amount of skincare products you use. Your skin can be particularly sensitive to artificial fragrances and alcohol during winter months. So keep it simple; in the morning apply a hydrating moisturiser, eye cream and SPF and then in the evening wash with a gentle cleaner and apply a moisturiser before bed. Once your skin gets back on track, you can start adding more products to your regime.
3. Drink water
Last but not least, drink enough water throughout the day! Hydration starts from within and not drinking enough fluids can affect the look of your skin.
Even though the sun goes to bed early and it might be cloudy outside, UVA rays still manage to shine through and put stress on your skin’s moisture barrier. To maintain a healthy glow and keep your skin’s hydration in check, apply a layer of sunscreen to your face and neck every morning after your moisturizer. Lekker's all-natural SPF30 is a lightweight and hydrating option.
5. Application is key
Keep in mind that moisturizers should be gently massaged into your skin. This will help increase blood circulation and allow the product to sink in. Be careful however, not to rub your skin too hard as this can cause over-exfoliation and skin irritation.break]
6. Use a humidifier The central heating can suck all the moisture out of the air which can leave your skin feeling dryer than before. Bringing the humidity level in your house or workspace up, can act as a natural moisturizer and relieve dry eyes.
7. Prevent dry skin in winter? Lower the heating Put the temperature in your house lower. This goes hand in hand with the humidifier, and helps make your house less dry. Additionally, this is a little sacrifice you can make to benefit the environment, hello extra sweater!